May 3, 2011

Mint Tea Benefits For Your Life

Mint tea can stimulate our health is one of  mint tea benefits. Mint is a herb which is used in many medicinal, cosmetic and culinary uses. Several popular herbs of the mint family are lavender,spearmint, basil peppermint, and lavender thyme. Mint tea is popular for its health stimulating properties.

Natives in Europe and Asia have been using mint for medicinal purposes for long time. Mint has many varieties, however Peppermint is the kind most popular for tea making.

The followings are mint tea benefits you can take if you consume mint tea :

- Mint tea benefits in reducing stress : taking herbal mint tea just before sleeping can relax a person and thus make them sleep well..

- Mint tea benefits in improving digestion :  spearmint tea is popular to bring relief from any kind of digestive or stomach disorder. Herbal mint tea, is thought an effective remedy for .treating them

- Mint tea benefits to treat cramp and pain : drinking herbal mint tea is helpful to relive stomach cramping which often happen in women during pregnancy and menstruation.

- Mint tea benefits to relieve morning sickness : Majority of pregnant women, complain of uneasiness and discomfort in the mornings, which is called morning sickness.

- Mint tea benefit in treating nausea : One of the very important benefits of herbal mint tea is that it can help in getting rid of the feeling of nausea.

- Mint tea benefit to reduce unwanted hair growth : A lot of women suffer from a condition known as hirsutism, in which a woman has unwanted growth of hair on her face, legs, breasts and other body parts, quite similar to the hair growth pattern in men.

- Mint tea benefits in strengthening the immune system : Peppermint herbal tea has lots of  immune system stimulating properties. This is because it is rich in nutrients such as, vitamin B, phosphorus and calcium, which can help in making the immune system strong, and hence, minimize the cause of infections and diseases in the body.

- Mint tea benefits to maintain oral health : it is an important ingredient in dental care products such as tooth pastes and mouthwashes.

It's time to enjoy and take mint tea benefits for your life. 

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