April 20, 2011

Herbal Tea Remedies For Insomnia

Are you having difficulty to sleep, and wanna get it now ?. It’s time to take tea remedies for insomnia. Some types of tea are suggested to solve insomnia. Insomnia is a symptom of  a disorderly sleep typified by getting hard falling asleep persistently or staying a sleep in spite of the opportunity.

However, a lot of people don’t want to consume prescription pills to force falling asleep. In spite of this, natural home tea remedies for insomnia is able to help you get to sleep more peacefully and in replenishing way.

Some herbs are used to make tea remedies for insomnia for their sedative impacts. These herbs support relax the nervous system to induce restfulness and sleep eventually.

Below are some tea remedies for insomnia that have been traditionally used :

Cleavers Tea -  has some anti-insomnia properties Catnip Tea - is a good relaxant with sedative impacts
Basil Tea - may have a sedative impacts.
Hops Tea - contains a gentle sedative action on the nerves 
Skullcap Tea - is a minty tea which induces relaxation
Chamomile Tea - can be a gentle remedy that calms the senses.
Solomon's Seal Tea - can help in relaxation and combats against insomnia. Dong Quai Tea - can solve menopause-related insomnia
Fennel Tea - is a spicy tea that is also relaxing.
Honeybush Tea - ca help soothe and relax the nerves
Passion Flower Tea - trusted to be effective in stress-related insomnia
Kava Tea - is a good relaxation enhancer
Jamaican Dogwood Tea - can be helpful against insomnia
Lavender Tea - contains potent calming properties
Lemon Balm Tea - is a really relaxing tea that can also lighten the mood. It also induces restful sleep.
Lemon Verbena Tea - stimulates relaxation and promotes restfulness
Motherwort Tea - a relaxing tea that can help calm the central nervous system.
Mullein Tea - can help in calming the nerves
Valerian Tea - is a relaxing and sleep-inducing tea. This tea is able to bring about restful sleep without morning sleepiness. Peppermint Tea - is a pleasant relaxant.
Reishi Tea - trusted by Asians people to have 'sleep-promoting factors'.
Schizandra Tea - has a sedative impact on the nervous system
Tarragon Tea - can help promote restfulness

When taking these tea remedies for insomnia,  you better consult with your doctor too

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